
Laparoscopic Neovagina Beverly Hills

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) is a condition that affects the female reproductive system. Approximately 1 in 5,000 women may have MRKH or vaginal agenesis. This is when the uterus and vaginal canal do not form properly and can result in a shortened vagina or no vagina in developing females.

Drs. Miklos and Moore are the leading experts in the laparoscopic creation of a vaginal canal (neovagina). They have the busiest center in the United States and worldwide in the treatment of patients with MRKH / Vaginal Agenesis

Drs. Miklos and Moore were recently featured on The Doctor’s, for their innovative surgical creation of a birth canal in women born without one.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

The diagnosis of MRKH typically occurs when the woman is reaching adolescence. The woman is 100% a female, with normal female development, however, the delay of a menstrual cycle normally prompts a visit to the gynecologist, resulting in a diagnosis of MRKH. Often the MRKH patient has no uterus and only a dimple for a vagina. Usually the diagnosis is made due to a delayed presentation of menses in an adolescent. On her first exam by a gynecologist it is noted that there is an absence of a vaginal opening.

Normal Anatomy

MRKH – no uterus or vagina


Laparoscopic Neovagina / Laparoscopic Davydov Procedure

With more than a 95% success rate, Drs. Miklos and Moore have completed more laparoscopic Davydov procedures than any other center in the United States. The Davydov is the least invasive and has the fastest recovery times of all other procedures.

There are different surgical procedures a patient can choose from to create a vaginal canal. Some of these procedures, like the McIndoe, will require life-long dilation therapy, even if a woman is sexually active. Other procedures are very invasive and utilize a skin graft or a section of the bowel to create a neovagina. Drs. Miklos and Moore have been performing the laparoscopic neovagina procedure for 15 years and utilize the least invasive technique with the highest success of a functional full length vagina.

Drs. Miklos and Moore perform a modification of the Davydov procedure. This procedure is performed using a laparoscope (i.e. miniature incisions) on the belly and usually takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete. The patient spends one day in the hospital and may travel home in less than 7 days.

The Davydov procedure uses the patients own cellular layer that lines the walls of the pelvis and the abdominal cavity known as the peritoneum to create the vaginal canal.

This illustrates where the incision is made in the vaginal dimple to create the new vaginal opening. This is one of the first steps of the Davydov procedure.

A probe is inserted vaginally through the newly developed vaginal canal so an incision can be made in the peritoneum.

Once the top of the vagina is opened, the edges of the peritoneum are pulled down to the opening of the new vagina.

The peritoneum is then sutured to the vaginal opening.

This image illustrates the suturing of the peritoneum. Once completed, the new top of the vaginal canal.


Drs. Miklos and Moore can typically achieve a vaginal length of 9 to 11 CM with this technique.

The complete surgery takes approximately 1.5 hours and the patient is in the hospital for only 1 day. The Davydov allows for the patient to achieve normal sexual function including lubrication, sensation and orgasm and ultimately give the woman an opportunity to be intimate and have a traditional sexual life.

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50 States & 54 Countries

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150 S Rodeo Dr. | Beverly Hills, CA 90210


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